Ultimate Spider-Man Episode 1 "Great Power"


A year after becoming Spider-Man, teenager Peter Parker is confronted by Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who offers him a chance to train with S.H.I.E.L.D., become the Ultimate Spider-Man and join a team of superheroes that is being assembled. At first
declining the offer, Peter soon realizes that he may need Fury's team of heroes in order to fight the threats he faces when the Frightful Four (consisting of Wizard, Thundra, and Klaw) attacks Midtown High on Doctor Octopus' and Norman Osborn's orders, having discovered (thanks to Frightful Four member the Trapster, whom Spider-Man incarcerated) that Spider-Man's alter ego attends the school.

 Introducing characters: Spider-Man, Nick Fury, Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn, Aunt May, Norman Osborn, Doctor Octopus, the Frightful Four (Wizard, Thundra, Trapster, Klaw), Flash Thompson 

                                                            WATCH EPISODE HERE

Ultimate Spider-Man Episode 2 "Great Responsibility"


Spider-Man accepts Nick Fury's offer to become the Ultimate Spider-Man and meets his team of teenage allies, consisting of Nova, White Tiger, Power Man and Iron Fist.
Meanwhile, Norman Osborn orders Doctor Octopus to send the Frightful Four to target Spider-Man. Spider-Man ends up needing help from his new allies to fight off the villains. Later, Phil Coulson is made acting principal of Peter's school and Spider-Man's teammates are enrolled in Midtown High in their civilian identities.

 Introducing characters: Nova, White Tiger, Power Man, Iron Fist, Dr. Curt Connors, Phil Coulson 

                                                        WATCH EPISODE HERE

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