Saturday 30 June 2012



PLOT: The film starts in Buri-Buri as White Snake Gang makes their way into Prince Suchan's castle at night. Once at his room, they accidentally start the alarm and kidnap Prince Suchan and escape in a hot-air balloon while the police and the guards shoot the balloon, but their shots miss as White Snake Gang escapes. Then, after the opening credits, at Shinchan's house, Shinchan, along with Misty, goes to the market and along the way, shinchan plays a lucky draw and wins the first prize, a trip to Buri-Buri. after Misty and Shinchan leave, the lucky draw people are revealed to be White Snake Gang. Back at home, Misty and harry discuss about Buri-Buri as shinchan watches them. They then leave for airport at morning and their plane has a White Snake logo on it. As misty and harry try to think which airline it is, they hop on board. once flying, Misty is very happy as all staff members are handsome boys while Shinchan and Harry regret as there is no airhostesses. But then, Two Higher ranking members try to kidnap shinchan as the three jump from the plane with parashoots. But then they find lost in jungle and its revealed that the High members put a transmitter on shinchan's shirt. as misty and harry sing a song after arguing who started it, shinchan befriends a monkey and eats a banana from it. the monkey leads them to some ruins where lots of monkeys live. at first, the monkeys try to attack them but shinchan calms them down by performing a dance. they then give the three food and shelter for night. the monkey shinchan has befriended gives him a pig nose. at morining, the three leave the monkeys thanking them, and the monkeys tell them to go to a direction. harry follows the direction and finds a non-flowing river. after talking about it, a snake, a crocodile and a tiger attack the three, but harry tells them to not to think about them and walk to the direction, and it works. after walking a little, they find them on rail tracks and board a train and eat a lot. then they meet a girl bodyguard who tells that shes the bodyguard of Prince Suchan and shinchan is him. after convincing her that hes shinchan, she tells them about the kidnapping. but then white snake gang tries to kidnap shinchan again and loses to the bodyguard. but then their commander Hum comes and fights the bodyguard, and wins and takes shinchan with him. then the white snake gang takes shinchan to their submarine, and after meeting the leader, shinchan is locked in the same cell as suchan. they become freinds and chat about the treasure. then the gang goes to the treasure island and due to shinchan and suchan, get through all traps and come in a room with gold and two lamps. after the leader, Anaconda, summons the main gene, shinchan immediately wishes a autograph from a newsperson, angering Anaconda. but then hun comes with the other lamp and anaconda wishes and become a super power man and hypnotizes hun. hun and bodyguard then fight and the High members quit and join forces with shinchan. Anaconda then transformes into a monster as shinchan and suchan use pig heads to destroy the room. anaconda, dark gene and hun go in the lamp after fighting with the other gene. the other gene goes in his lamp and the main team escapes as the island collapses and the three go back to their house after grand celebration. shinchan tells the events to Shiro as harry and misty see pictures and kiss.

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